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Cyber Teacher Certification

Screen Shot 2018-06-21 at 4.12.10 PMSeptember 2017: Endorsed by the Computer Science Teachers Association, Emily earned her cyber teacher certification.

Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) Conference Presentation

The Importance of Connected Leadership

International Society for Technology Education Conference

Emily participated in ISTE’s conference in Atlanta, caught up with old friends, and attended a number of sessions on a range of topics, including maker spaces, robotics, coding, learn spaces, and much more!

The League of Innovative Teachers

April 2012: Invited by Karen Cator, Director, Office of Educational Technology, US Department of Education, Emily participated in the Washington, D.C. roundtable to design the League of Innovative Teachers – created by teachers and teacher organizations – to lead the way in advocating for a shift in culture and expectations regarding innovation in teaching and learning. (Karen now serves as president and CEO of Digital Promise.)

Teaching 2030: Leveraging Teacher Prep 2.0

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February 2013: As a member of the Center for Teaching Quality project, Emily co-authored the report Teaching 2030: Leveraging Teacher Preparation 2.0, which examines what works today in isolated pockets of teacher preparation but dares to rethink the profession to better serve students by rebooting America’s approach to teacher preparation, which jettisons the 20th century debates over teacher preparation and executes a bold vision for change.

Largely drawn from Emily’s writing, Teacherpreneurs Mentor Edupunks: Convergence Reshapes Teacher Preparation for Today and into the Future , the report’s section Teacher Preparation 3.0 imagines the direction of the profession (and teacher preparation), including a deeper understanding and enlarged application of connectivism, digital literacies, gamification, learning playlists, and long tail teaching led by learning architects who can drive Open Educational Resources and next generation professional learning.

schoolleadershipsummitListen to the recorded panel discussion on the report, 
on which Emily was a speaker, at the School Leadership Summit. GO

Teaching Tolerance Around the Globe w_students

– In January 2011 on behalf of the United States Department of State, Emily collaborated with students, representatives of the local Ministry of Education, Tallinn School Board, school principals and educators in tolerance, diversity, teacher cultural competence, and de-segregation efforts. Emily developed a collection of resources to share and support Estonian-American communication and collaboration.

She also shared the American experience in tolerance education at the International Conference: Tolerance in the Dialogue Between Nations, which was organized by the Estonian Ministry of Culture.

Serbia – In 2006 – 2007, Emily, also on behalf of the United States Department of State, facilitated government agencies and non-profits in developing a national anti-bullying policy for Serbian schools, the Special Protocol: For Protection of Children and Pupils from Violence Abuse and Neglect in Education Institutions

Also, Emily visited American Corners in Kragujevac, Serbia, where she met with community members.

Teaching 2030 

Summer 2020: Revisiting Teaching 2023 ten years after its publication with Barnett Berry and a roundtable of innovative teachers from across the country. Look for the publication of our current and future thinking.


January 2011: As a member of the Center for Teaching Quality TeacherSolutions 2030 team, Emily contributed to the book, released January 2011, Teaching 2030: What We Must Do for Our Students and Our Public Schools Now Into the Future about the “powerful, innovative vision that articulates a portrait of education in the year 2030.

Learn more in the article The Teachers of 2030 published in the ASCD May 2010 edition of Educational LeadershipGO – and at Teachers College Press. GO

Read Emly’s interview about the book with Alabama Best Practices Center. GO

Social Media in the Schoolhouse

In this article from Teaching Tolerance magazine, read Emily’s observations on promoting tolerance and social justice using technology. GO

Notre Dame Principal Academy

Summer 2011: Emily worked with principals at the Notre Dame Principal Academy on 21st Century learning, including new tech tools, curriculum design, instruction, and assessment.